Advanced IT solutions
Choice of telecom operator
Choice of telecom operator
The building will provide a separate room for telecom operators. Such solution will allow the tenants to choose the preferred operator, increase connectivity functions, shorten time of repairing possible breakdowns and improve the maintenance process.
Managed Network
The service includes technologies that enable management of LAN/WLAN and a safe remote or direct access to the Internet and the company server while observing the highest security standards.
Mobile Phone Range in elevators and underground garage
For the tenants’ convenience the investor made sure that elevators and underground garage have mobile phone range.
Security and monitoring systems
Advanced IT technologies will be also used in a modern security and monitoring system, eg. CCTV cameras with IP support as well as technology allowing implementation of security systems available on the market: biometric fingerprint scanner, magnetic card readers, RFID, etc.
Economical building
Advanced building management systems focused on energy savings, increasing operational efficiency and automation which will allow significant employment reduction and lower service charges.